Institute of Directors Nigeria:

Notice of the 39th Annual General Meeting

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 39th Annual General Meeting of the Institute of Directors Nigeria will hold on Thursday, 22 June 2023 at 11.00 a.m. prompt at the Secretariat of the Institute of Directors Nigeria, 28 Cameron Road, Ikoyi, Lagos to transact the following businesses:


1. To lay before the members, the report of the President, the Audited Financial  Statements for the year ended December 31, 2022, and the report of the Auditors  in respect thereof.  

2. To appoint Auditors for the new financial year. 

3. To elect members of the Governing Council. 

SPECIAL BUSINESS:  To consider and if thought fit, pass the following as a Special Resolution: 

That all references to the “Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990” in the  Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Institute be and are hereby amended  to read the “Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020”



A member of the Institute entitled to attend and vote at the meeting, is entitled to  appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. Proxy forms will be forwarded  to all members of the Institute and also attached to the Annual Report. To be valid  for the AGM, a duly completed Proxy form should be deposited at the Director 

General’s office, IoD Nigeria Secretariat, 28 Cameron Road, Ikoyi Lagos, or sent via  email to agm , on or before Monday 1 June, 2023. 

All relevant documents in connection with the meeting are available to all members  from the date of the Notice at the IoD Nigeria Secretariat at the address above


The electronic version of the annual report (e-annual report) will be emailed to all  members who have provided their email addresses to the IoD Secretariat. Members  who wish to receive the e-annual report are kindly requested to ensure that an  updated email address is sent to or visit the IoD  Nigeria Membership Portal on to update their contact details.  

A copy of this Notice and other information relating to the meeting can be found at  


The AGM will be streamed live. This will enable members who will not be  attending physically to follow the proceedings. The link for the AGM live streaming  will be made available on and sent to all registered financial  members.  

Dated this 30th day of May 2023.