Director Development programmes


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Best practice suggests that boards should continually review their composition and effectiveness to identify not only the individual capabilities across the group of board members, but also to review the qualitative aspects of effectiveness: the dynamics, relationships, and overall success of the board as a team.

As the organisation that holds a unique position in the drive towards director professionalism, CIoD Nigeria is well qualified to help. Our Director Development Services provides practical, relevant, and time-effective solutions for the development needs of organisations of all types and in all sectors.

All programmes are delivered by people who are not only skilled facilitators, but who have also worked at Board level within organisations ranging from multinational corporates and SMEs to all sizes of public sector organisations and not-for-profit bodies. This ensures that whatever your programme's objectives, you benefit from direct and relevant experience which is recognisable and useful to delegates in their everyday working life.

All our programmes can be designed and delivered in a format specific to your organisation's needs. In every case, we will take a thorough brief from you on your requirements and desired outcomes. As an additional benefit, our analysis will often produce valuable new insights that can enrich the value of the programme you undertake. A programme that addresses the specific issues before your Board will maximize the value of the process as a learning experience, as well as minimise the demands for time placed on people who are already very busy.

Courses range from one to three days. Designed from the director's viewpoint, they are led by business experts with outstanding training experience. They are also an ideal forum for meeting other directors and expanding your network and can form part of a tailored training package for you and your organisation.

Supporting your development

Dynamic and professional boards of directors have a collective responsibility to ensure that each individual can perform their duty effectively and lead the organisation.

CIoD Nigeria's development programmes will equip you, as a director, with the all-around skills, knowledge, and understanding essential for successfully directing an organisation from a strategic perspective.

Executive Coaching

Coaching is taken for granted in the world of sports where individuals and teams have a coach to provide motivation, enhance skills, and refine performance.

Ultimately coaching aims to bring out the best in an individual to enable the team to work better as a whole. The same can be said of business and its leaders.

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